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Why can’t you give me a wheelchair?

The NHS has set the eligibility criteria that we must follow.  Although you are not eligible for an NHS wheelchair now, we understand that you might still want a wheelchair and we would like to help you where we can. Our options for non-NHS support are designed to help you to stay independent and socially included.

The wheelchair service follows the NHS eligibility criteria set by the NHS North East London Integrated Care Board

What can I do if I don’t agree?

You can appeal any decision made by our clinical team. Please contact our clinical commercial team on 0330 128 1260 or email if you need any help with this.

Will I need to pay for my wheelchair?

You will need to pay for your wheelchair.  You may be eligible to access other sources of funding, such as charities or social care and we can support you with this.

What do I do next?

Call us for:

  • Support with meeting your wheelchair needs
  • Free assessments and no-obligation quotes
  • A holistic approach to your assessment, that includes your clinical and lifestyle needs
  • Virtual and phone assessments
  • Competitive prices on a wide range of products
  • Help with accessing funding
  • Support to appeal the NHS decision
  • Support to help you get Your Chair, Your Way


Can I get a wheelchair somewhere else?

If you need a short-term wheelchair, you can borrow one from the British Red Cross.  For details, visit their website at

For other organisations that can provide support and information local to your area, visit the BHTA-approved mobility supplier network at

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